
Lilly Lewin
For over twenty years, Lilly Lewin has created and curated experiential worship experiences around the world for conferences, including Youth Specialties’ National Youth Workers Convention, as well as local churches and camps. She is a speaker, worship curator and the co-author of the book Sacred Space, along with Dan Kimball. Read her FreeRange Friday blog at

Joanna Cummings
Joanna Cummings is a writer, innovator, and ordained pastor. She’s been leading children’s, youth and family ministry for over 15 years. She is also the creator of, where she develops seasonally-themed worship boxes for families and churches.

Edward Goode
Ed is a husband, father, Jesus guy, pastor, and photographer. He grew up in Colorado and still longs for his mountains while he lives in Ohio and serves a church in northern Kentucky. In addition to his many other roles, he regularly teaches classes on Contemplative Photography. He signs off most of his emails with four words, “Grace, peace, love, and joy.” Those four words are at the center of his work as he seeks to share those things while also lifting up where beauty is found all around. He also blogs in image and word at
“Lilly has been teaching people how to engage in multi-sensory worship and prayer experiences for decades, her wisdom is particularly useful now as we try to engage the church in news ways virtually during the pandemic. My hope is that even when this passes, creative insights shared by Lilly and Free Range Worship will continue to influence how we come together. “
FreeRange Worship intuitively sets a table for people to feast on the beauty and mystery of the divine.